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Spring 2 (2025)

Year 4 Trip to the Black Country Living Museum - March 

As part of their Geography unit, Year 4 went on a visit to the Black Country Living Museum and looked at how our region has changed over time-including how buildings and homes as well as how industry has changed in our area. 




Y2 have been learning about the Great Fire of London. Parents came to school to help make Tudor houses, and then we burned them to show how quickly the fire in London spread. 



Chick Diary

Day 1

The eggs arrived! The Reception and Nursery children were very excited for them to hatch!

Day 2

The first chick hatches!


Day 3

8 chicks have hatched in Reception and 8 in Nursery. Now we need to look after them by keeping them warm and giving them food and water.



World Book Day

On World Book, the whole school took part in writing a story. Reception started with the introduction, and every class wrote a part of the story. It was finished by Y6. You can read the full story by clicking on the link below.



Reception had great fun on World Book Day. They learnt a new song, made masks and puppets and created the Three Billy Goats Gruff.




Nursery were excited to make porridge on World Book Day.



Years 1 and 2 made up their own stories. They rolled a die to select a character and setting and made up a story on the spot! Children then wrote this in a fold-up book to take home and read to their families!