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Modern Foreign Language -French


At City Road Primary School we recognise the importance of teaching a modern foreign language (MFL) to foster pupils’ curiosity, appreciate other cultures and deepen their understanding of the world. We recognise that language teaching encourages pupils to appreciate and celebrate difference and provides the foundation for learning further languages.



Our aims, in-line with the National Curriculum, are:

• To teach children to listen to, speak, read and write a Modern Foreign Language, which is French;

• To provide children with an enriching and exciting curriculum;

• To develop communication skills and confidence, within an appropriate and meaningful context;

• To awaken an interest in different cultures and lifestyles;

• To give a sound start for further development at Key Stage 3 and beyond.



The curriculum planning for French should ensure progression throughout Key Stage Two. At City road Primary School we use the Rising Stars Eurostars scheme of work and a variety of teaching and learning styles in our MFL lessons.

Our key objectives are:

• Teaching must be purposeful and include clear objectives for each lesson;

• French must be taught once a week, with incidental French to be taught as the week progresses;

• Allow children to experience a range of activities, including songs, rhymes, games and role-play;

• To give children opportunities to listen to the teacher, to songs and rhymes, to each other and to native


• Develop phonic knowledge about the language;

• Write simple words and phrases using a model, and then write more complex sentences on a range of topics, including some from memory;

• Gain an understanding of other cultures, whilst appreciating the diversity of languages spoken within

the school community.                     

Subject Content

French is the modern foreign language that we teach in our school and the curriculum we follow is based on the National Curriculum. We teach the children to know and understand how to:

• Ask and answer questions;

• Use correct pronunciation and intonation;

• Memorise words;

• Interpret meaning;

• Understand basic grammar;

• Use dictionaries;

• Work in pairs and groups to communicate in French;

• Look at life in another culture

Strategies for teaching

The French curriculum has been designed with non-specialists in mind. Our aim is to make teaching and learning French an easy, fun experience for both children and teachers. The units are to be taught linearly, beginning in Year 3 and following through to Year 6. This will ensure that language points already taught are reinforced and recapped whilst children build new knowledge and skills. The aims are covered in progressive difficulty from the expected outcomes in Year 3 units to more demanding language expectations by the end of Year 6.