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Collective Worship

Collective Worship Policy Statement

City Road Primary School will comply with the relevant legislation relating to collective worship in schools. The policy will be promoted and implemented throughout the school.


All schools have a statutory duty to provide daily collective worship for registered pupils (apart from those who have been withdrawn by their parents). This is usually provided within a daily assembly. Daily collective worship must be wholly or mainly of a broadly Christian character. The precise nature will depend on the family background, ages and abilities of the pupils.

Roles and responsibilities

The head of school is responsible for arranging the daily collective worship.

Practice and Procedures
  • An Act of Collective Worship will take place every day. The time at which this takes place and the form of the Collective Worship (whole school, team or class groupings) may vary from day to day.
  • The majority of the Acts of Collective Worship will be wholly or mainly of a broadly Christian character.
  • The Act of Collective Worship will be non-denominational.
  • Every child will take part in the Act of Collective Worship unless withdrawn by his/her parents/guardians.
  • Whilst fully complying with the law, the school will be sensitive to the fact that not all children will come from religious families.
Monitoring, Evaluation and Review

The Head of School will keep a record of all Acts of Collective Worship themes.

The school will review this policy regularly and assess its implementation and effectiveness.